On August 28, 2011, Tropical Storm Irene dumped a mass amount of rain over parts of Vermont. Many roadways sustained massive wash-outs and the Kelly Stand Roadway, in the Green Mt. National Forest, Sunderland VT sustained sever damage to 8.94 miles of roadway. Portions of the damaged roadway, were repaired by the Town of Sunderland, but a section of the roadway has not been repaired and remains closed to traffic.
The Kelly Stand Road is the only east-west route through the mountains between VT Route 11/30 in Manchester and VT Route 9 in Bennington. It connects US -7 in Sunderland - Arlington to VT Route 100 in Stratton-Wardsboro providing recreational access to the trail-head parking area for the Appalachian Trail/Long Trail and snowmobile access to the VAST north-south Corridor 7 trail in the winter months.
Major items of work included within the scope of this project include rebuilding of roadway, rebuilding of one bridge and the repair of a second bridge to include the installation of two cofferdams, placement of approximately 30,000cy of heavy rip-rap on roadway banks, bridge and culvert locations. There is an additional 60,000cy of excavation and select materials associated with this project.
In addition to the rebuilding of the roadway and drainage structures, substantial re-building of the stream channel will be performed, along with removal of in-stream debris.
On-site rock will be drilled, blasted and processed via on-site crushing, to manufacturer the multiple rock products required for the completion of this project.