J. A. McDonald Inc. was brought in early in the design phase of the Kingdom Community Wind Project to give expertise in the civil design portion of the project. Through project optimization of cuts and fills J. A. McDonald reduced the volume of excavation by 25% and reduced the schedule by 4 weeks. Following the design, J. A. McDonald was able to successfully execute the work and stay on schedule. The Kingdom Community Wind Project has a strong emphasis on environmental protection. Working in and around dozens of delineated wetlands and natural resources. J. A. McDonald was required to have a “On Site Plan Coordinator” (OSPC) for each excavation operation on the mountain. The OSPC’s would then report to a lead OSPC who was in charge of documenting all work related to Erosion control and sediment prevention. In all J. A. McDonald was able to construct over 6 miles of roadway and 21 turbine sites in just over 8 months time, all while maintaining the highest levels of safety and quality.